Reality is reality, what I figured out in coaching and learning from different types of personalities is that positive or negative ways to communicate can motivate people. Be empowered by knowing what’s holding you back from building wealth. 1. DEBT TRAP 2. IGNORING DEBTS 3. POWERLESS 4. PERSONAL FINANCE 5. YOU DON'T PAY YOURSELF FIRST 6. INSTANT GRATIFICATION 7. NO EMERGENCY FUND 8. NO SAVINGS 9. SLOW TO CHANGE 10. BOUGHT TOO BIG 11. NO PLAN 12. LAZY 13. YOU DON'T SEPARATE WANTS FROM NEEDS 14. NO SKILLZ 15. SHORT TERM THINKING 16. GET RICH QUICK 17. NO BUDGET 18. CONFUSED 19. YOU BUY DEPRECIATING ASSETS AKA DOODADS 20. NO SACRIFICE 21. THE JONES’ 22. IPHONE 23. YOU SPEND MORE MONEY THAN YOU MAKE 24. YOU DON’T READ 25. Personal DEVELOPMENT IS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. Do you have a idea to share? Go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail!