I am taking a leap of faith and going to wholesale in a different market. Yes, I don’t know what I am doing. Yes I am scared. Yes I may lose and yes I am win, but the outcome is to push myself out of my comfort zone(own market) and try new things. What’s the worse thing that can happen? Lose money? I wonder... what if I crush it! I hope this episode and new series “Naked Investor” will push you to do great things you thought you could never do! I thought I would never invest out of Oklahoma! So far I bought a clever domain name with privacy add-on from Godaddy.com ($24.32). I registered with CallRail.com (no cost at this time but it’s $30.00 a month) for (10) phone numbers to put on my bandit signs, direct mailing, and I bought (200) signs from DirtCheapSigns.com ($450.63) which included (2) magnetic signs for my vehicle. Stay tuned and drop me a line go this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voice mail!