Be educated and not be bamboozled by a plumber. I break down the whole process and give you tips on how to save money. Ask a question by going to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
1-Online 2-Social Media 3-Print Media 4-Bulletin Boards 5-Realtor 6-Word of Others 7-Window 8-Incentives. Ask a question by going to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
So they are squatters. What is the legal process to get them out? Ask a question by going to this link or go to and leave a voicemail. If you are just starting out you may want to consider Rentalutions! Super simple and it markets your property listing to Zillow, Trulia, Hotpads,, with one click. Do you have tech to share? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
How You Can Buy A Rental NOW, Even If You Don’t Think You Can with Steven VanCauwenbergh. This recording was made possible from Real Life Real Estate (RLRE) Ask a question by going to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
A friend of mine buys a 16 unit apartment building and needs some loving advice. I break down the issues I see to turn this Titanic around. Do you need help? Ask a question by going to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
It's called Blinkist: Their team reads books, pulls out the key insights, and explains them in an easy-to-digest, 15 minute book summary. Each key insight is called a blink and fits nicely on one page. Blinkist summarizes important parts of books for quick learnings. Each book is broken down into a few chapters, manually written by field experts, Blinkist says. Do you have some tech to share? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
Who is in control? Who trumps who? Speed and timing is the name of the game in closing deals. I answer the question of who sets the closing date. Do you have a question to share? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
21-Neglecting your teeth 22-Missing the chance to ask your grandparents questions before they die 23-Working too much 24-Not learning how to cook one awesome meal 25-Not stopping enough to appreciate the moment 26-Failing to finish what you start 27-Never mastering one awesome party trick 28- Letting yourself be defined by cultural expectations 29-Refusing to let friendships run their course 30-Not playing with your kids enough 31-Never taking a big risk (especially in love) 32-Not taking the time to develop contacts and network 33-Worrying too much 34-Getting caught up in needless drama 35-Not spending enough time with loved ones 36-Never performing in front of others 37-Not being grateful sooner Do you have a regret to share? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
To be on the same page I would recommend listening to episode #331 & #336. I give the details of the seller not willing to show & tell his LLC docs and the non-paying tenant that was so good. Oh, yea lost keys that the cat knocked off the bed stand. A deal to share? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
Yeah, I received a question that got me juicy. Hang tight I rant a little bit and go in couple directions but the content is solid. Do I need to expand more? Holla at your boy by going to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
You can save thousands by using a 10% off coupons for online and in-person purchases. Little as .70 to buy a coupon could yield $500 in savings, now that's an ROI! Go to Coupons are automatically sent to your email. Is this site safe? Yes, you pay with paypal protection. Do you have tech to share? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
8-Letting yourself be defined by gender roles 9-Not quitting a terrible job 10-Not trying harder in school 11-Not realizing how beautiful you were 12-Being afraid to say “I love you.” 13-Not listening to your parents’ advice 14-Spending your youth self-absorbed 15-Caring too much about what other people think 16-Supporting others’ dreams over your own 17-Not moving on fast enough 18-Holding grudges, especially with those you love 19-Not standing up for yourself 20-Not volunteering enough. Do you have a regret to share? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
Who is in control? Who trumps who? Speed and timing is the name of the game in closing deals. I answer the question of who sets the closing date. Do you have a question to share? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
Oh boy! A room filled with hungry investors salivating over the best ever property manager. Do you have a topic you would like covered? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
1-Not traveling 2-Another Language 3-Staying in a bad relationship 4-Sunscreen 5-Musicians 6-Scared 7-Fitness. Do you have a regret to share? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
The struggle is when do you grow or expand into a new discipline of real estate? Keep in mind this is random! Are you searching for a business adventure? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
How long can you wait to see a profit? Questions that need some answers! Listen in on a deal that has turned out not to be a deal. Do you have a deal to share? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
1-Objections 2-Advantages 3-Motivation 4-Process 5-Emotions. Do you have a tip to share? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
Need to find an email for someone? On the hunt for absentee owners? It’s freaky and creepy when a website can easily serve up all your known addresses. Check out this free website/database aggregating thousands of pieces of information on you Only put in your first name, last name, & state. Do you have tech to share? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
6-Tenant approval 7-Collection 8-Maintenance 9-Mark-up 10-Request. Do you have a question for a property manager? Let us know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
1-See the lease 2-How we communicate 3-Cancel 4-Errors 5-Evictions. Do you have a question for a property manager? Let us know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
Shannez so savvy is in the house to drop more insight in the life of entrepreneurship. We cover the lady side of things in health care, school districts, and financial risks. Do you have a question for us has a couple? Let us know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
I rant about the life(stuff) lessons I have learned that I wish someone would have told me sooner! This may be the funkiest episode, but yea life is to be enjoyed(talked about). Do you have some tips(lessons)? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
1-Screening 2-Insurance 3-Retention 4-Occupancy 5-Inspecting 6-Fees 7-Other Services 8-In/Out Business 9-Involved 10-Team. Did I forget something? Do you have a question? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!