Listen in on a casual interview with my better half. This conversation covers ladies being married to entrepreneurs, money, and personal sacrifices couples make to find freedom. Do you have a question for us has a couple? Let us know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
1-Pending Foreclosure / Short Sales 2-REO 3-Auctions 4-Motivated Sellers 5-Wholesalers. Deals to share? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
1-How many rentals to you manage? 2-How do you set the rental rate? 3-What type of properties do you manage? 4-Local housing laws 5-Are you an investor? 6-Monthly fee structure should I expect? 7-How do you market the rentals? What experiences have you had with hiring a property manager, please share! Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
The easy way to save screenshots, GIFs, and websites. Make everyone happy by sharing smarter, faster, and with your point crystal clear. It’s free! Super fast cuts down 8 steps in to 1. SHIFT + CTRL + C. I love it. Feedback to share? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
Pat lives a life of creativity in real estate. Mr. Pointon has raised over 6 million in private money has done well over 100 creative deals. We cover what your options are when acquiring real property smoothly without banking funding. Feedback to share? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
I received a question from a savvy investor and he asked me, “Do you pay your kids read?”. I go on a little rant about my home life in raising kids based on paying them cash. Feedback to share? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
Each day I fall in love being a real estate investor. Where in the world can you acquire a cash flowing asset with little to no money? Real estate amazes me daily! I strongly encourage you to listen to episode #324 to get all the details. A deal to share? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
Does your household have a joint banking account? How do you handle money in your family? Hold on for some deep conversations about money and marriage. Questions about money? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
Developer, landlord, private money guru Pat Pointon is my co-host in making sense of buying assets in different areas. We cover creatively rural areas wrapped around land. Questions about land? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
1-Mindset 2-Leverage-Outsource 3-Position Yourself 4-Trust. Question to ask? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
Go back and listen to episode #331 Where I clipped 15K off the asking price through emails. I go over the walkthrough inspection and final negotiations. Yea, I scored a no money down deal creating a win-win to let the seller move up to greener pastures aka mobile homes and I hit my target. Deal to share? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
A casual interview with an investor who has been investing for 50 years, you know him Pat’s back. We talk about mentors, private money and staying motivated. Life to share? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
Ever confused what nutrients are in the food you eat? MyFitnessPal maintains a database of over 5,000,000 foods to give you valuable feedback in the foods you consume throughout the day. Do it it’s free! Technology to share? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
Never give up! Don’t stop! 1-Events can affect you 2-Commercial money(powerful) 3-Mentor 4-500K. Life to share? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
Monday blues? Are things getting you down? Can’t find a deal find a deal? Let me help you crush it! 10 tips to crush it. 1-Stop TV 2-News sucks 3-Get juicy 4-Run 5-Set goals 6-Letter 7-Volunteer 8-Create 9-Move 10-I like myself. Life to share? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
I break this deal down play by play to give you some tips on how to get the price reduced before setting foot on the property. This deal is part 1 before I walk the property for inspection. Wish me luck. Deal to share? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
Truly successful people 1-Write goals down 2-Review (daily) 3-Check yourself before your wreck yourself. I go over my six-month review and thoughts about the future. How are you doing on your goals/dream? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
Waze is the world's largest community-based traffic and navigation app. Save time & money by avoiding traffic jams, police, accidents and construction for free. Tech to share? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
Do you want to get more deals? Master DISC personality profiling! I give a mini lesson in how to read people. Should I go deeper? Let me know by leaving a voicemail at this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
John Maxwell is the lick when it comes to leadership and personal development. Top reasons people fail are 1-Poor people skills 2-Negative attitude 3-Bad fit 4-Lack of focus 5-Weak commitment 6-Unwillingness to change 7-Short-cut mindset 8-Relying on talent alone 9-React to poor information 10-No goals. Do you read? What book should I read? Go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail! is transforming the way goods move around cities by enabling anyone to have anything delivered on-demand. Our revolutionary Urban Logistics platform connects customers with local couriers who can deliver anything from any store or restaurant in minutes. Share some tech people! Go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
Mr. Ramsey received his real estate license in 1976 and has been crushing it ever since. Topics covered include funding, his one-page contract, and having an out clause. You will enjoy the part in how he mines deals by drilling down the MLS with a search of 100K houses, in a specific neighborhood that has been sitting for sale 300+days. He also shared his rule of thumb in a formula to make offers with “take the rent amount and times it by 60 and equals the amount you should offer”. What topics should we cover on the next breakfast? Go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
I just locked up a deal from a virtual wholesaler from another state(North Carolina). Listen in how I handle the negotiations to add another solid rental. Deal to share? Go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
How many rentable units must you have before it's a financially sound to put it under management? Get your learn on right now, grab some paper and two pencils. Idea to share? Go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
Robust accounting with Gear to share? Go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail!