I believe couples struggle with money concerns but don’t say anything. Let’s get the conversation going! 1-Upfront 2-History 3-Stickler 4-Killjoy 5-Team 6-Priorities 7-Role 8-Ask 9-Prisoner 10-Do. Struggles? Share it by going to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail!
Dripping with nuggets of success from the Rehab king! Real investors asking real questions from a very active investor! What subject would you like to be heard on the next landlord lunch? Tell us by going to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail!
1-What are your fees? 2-Process for approving an investment? 3-Restrictions? 4-My retirement account eligible to “roll over? 5-Timetable? 6-Service? Do you loan money? Do you need money for a deal? Ask & Tell by going to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail!
A common question that I want to answer. The goal is to get you started in the right direction. 1-Decision 2-Read 3-Act 4-Q&A 5-See 6-Contacts 7-Connected 8-Understand 9-Analyze 10-Do. Education is the key...knowledge is the new money. What’s your story or question? Tell me! Go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail!
Grammarly.com helps with your spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, enhances vocabulary usage, and suggests citations. Grammarly is an online grammar and spelling checker that improves communication by helping users find and correct writing mistakes. App to share? Go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail!
1-Garmin 235 Watch 2-Phaiser BHS-430 Bluetooth Headphones 3-Dymo Labelwriter 450 Twin Turbo 4-ScanSnap s1300i 5-Rubber Gloves 6-Kindle Voyage 7-Soonfire NS17 8-Phone Nexus 6p or 5p 9-Quik Shade MAX Shade Camp Chair 10-USB Wall Charger, BESTEK 2 Port 20W with 5000mAh Portable USB External Battery. Gear to share? Go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail!
1-Understanding about being stale 2-Fight 3-Future 4-Scheme of things 5-See yourself through the most important person. Quote: Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion. -Bob Proctor. Do you do personal development? Share it! Go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail!
I locked up a deal worth 125K for 66K repaired it and then… oh boy. Do you have a drama (deal) to share? Go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail!
I got a question from a friend and I break it down. I believe there will be nuggets for all in this episode, you know what to do put down the hammer and pick up the pencil! Do you have a question to ask? I would love to hear it, go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
PivotDesk.com is an office-sharing marketplace that transforms the way we think about office space from a liability into a growing business asset. Startups and small businesses find flexible, affordable, room to grow. With PivotDesk will eliminate the risk of a commercial lease. How it works PivotDesk matches companies together to share their office space and includes tools like payment processing. Tech to share go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
1-Push/pull method 2-Obligation close. Selling/buying a house is an emotional process, so tap into the psyche buy trying the Push/pull method. Push/pull is based on the principle of what is called a tension loop. A tension loop creates unresolved emotional tension inside a people, increases it, releases it by bringing closure to it, and then sparks it all over again. Get that roller coaster of emotions rolling! Do you have techniques to share? I would like to hear it, go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
I was amazed when I made a decent offer on a property and the seller turned me down and throw it on facebook which yielded 9K more. Do you have a deal to share? I would like to hear it, go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
I was amazed when I made a decent offer on a property and the seller turned me down and throw it on facebook which yielded 9K more. Do you have a deal to share? I would like to hear it, go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
An investor sent in the question ‘Finding good help for reasonable prices’. I break it down. Share your knowledge go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
Oh boy, I drop it hot and reveal the secrets of getting money! Share your knowledge go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
Question: What are the costliest expenses of rental property? Why get an inspection? Share your knowledge go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
Time is not on your side. Save time and money by outsourcing those calls you shouldn’t be handling. Oh, Steven, I am a one person operation. Perfect. I cover creative ways to be more effective in your business by leveraging service companies and seniors that need jobs. Share your knowledge go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
1-Offer 2-Contingent 3-Closing Cost 4-Earnest Money 5-Inspection 6-Title 7-Appraisal 8-Insurance 9-Signing 10-Recording. What vocabulary do I need to add? Share your knowledge go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
This is like a college class for investors trying to take their business to the next level. Scott breaks down in great detail "The SWOT Analysis: a practical tool for strategic planning." for a young wholesaler “expanding his business”. Here is the link for the powerpoint https://goo.gl/FztrfP Share your knowledge go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
UZURV(com) is a Reservation Services app (iOS and Android) created to enhance the on-demand riding and driving experience. The app works in conjunction with existing on-demand transportation services like Uber and Lyft, allowing riders to make advanced reservations with the on-demand driver of their choice. This is especially important in markets where the ride-sharing drivers are scarce. An advanced reservation brings the drivers to the riders when they need them. Tech to share go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
I rant on (4) points (no pun intended). 1-Fees 2-Delays 3-Extra Protection 4-Points. Did you like this or do you have questions to ask go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now
Listen in on a room full of hungry investors discussing Facts & Fears, The Mechanics and so much more on the Foreclosure Sale. Questions to ask go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
Are you comfortable collecting rent? Is is close to your operations? Parking on the grass? Hood or good? Would you live there? Crime rate on your street? Questions to ask go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
Why are checklist so important? Saves you time. You don’t have to think about it. You can delegate more easily. Ideas to share go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
L (Leverage), A (Appreciation), D (Depreciation), I (Income), E (Equity), S (Shelter). Ladies this one is for you! Idea to share go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!