www.signnow.com is integrated with Google Drive and other free services I use are Dochub.com, HelloSign.com. Your goal should be to lock it up “contracts” “deals” “offers”. Be fast, in the cloud, and in love with google drive. Create templates have an audit trail and so much more. Tech to share go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
I go on a rant comparing the two. This episode will motivate you to hang in there and push yourself to achieve your goals. Watch out for the variables that can derail you like toenails, health, weather, money, deals, flood and scrupulous contractors. What variables that have slowed you down? I would like to hear it, go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
I love investors that take this game seriously and push themselves to another level. Another level is calculating your return on time. Get your pencil and phone calculator out to figure out what’s a deal worth to you? Do you have a deal to share? I would like to hear it, go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
If you have never heard of Mr Landlord then you have been missing out like a car without gas. Jeffery Taylor aka Mr Landlord brought the house down last year at the annual Investor Weekend. Here is some fuel to fill your tank so you can make it to this year's star-studded event April 7th & 8th in Oklahoma City. Get your tickets now by going to www.investorweekend.com. What’s the best real estate conference you have been to? I would like to hear about it, go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
Bankers come in all shapes and size not just in physique but in mindset. Mr. Day is rare or may I say unique in many ways from his passion for education and the ability to assist real estate investors to go to the next level. Please welcome my banker and friend Mr. John Day! Do you have a passion for sharing? I would like to hear it, go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
Every need help collecting rent or looking for a service provider to do the details like sending proper notices to your deadbeat tenants? Ms Liberatore is passionate about landlords and technology which has compelled her to write two books and travel the country helping investors like you and me. Do you have a vision to share? I would like to hear it, go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
You can learn a lot from people that go down paths of success were taking a left turn will teach you more than following everyone else's direction. This deal will teach you so much! Do you have a deal to share? I would like to hear it, go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
This is how you raise private money! Brian Nix has raised over 4 million in funds and has grown a legacy sized portfolio by staying focused. Learn from this master of giving a true return back to average people. Have you used private money? Borrow or lend? I would like to hear about it, go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
Brett and his team are #6 in sales for all of Oklahoma. Their success is based on systems and service and that sounds like the normal rise to the top. But Brett’s rising is from the deep bottom to not knowing what to do with his life and overcoming the impossible. Get ready to be moved and to fight those dependences that hold us down. Put your hands together for the “King” of real estate Mr. Brett Boone. We all have a story to tell, what’s yours? I would like to hear it, go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
I received an email asking for help that led to my rant on gurus. 1-Don’t believe the hype put do your due diligence 2-Take responsibility 3-Someone asked for some help 4-What are you willing to pay. Have you hired a coach/mentor/guru? I would like to hear it, go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
RTA Cabinet Hub (http://www.rtacabinethub.com) offer pre made to order ready for you to assemble kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities that come with all wood construction, advanced hardware and durable finishes. RTA does not use any particle board in RTA cabinetry products. Do you have a tech/service to share? I would like to hear it, go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
Remember the meltdown of mortgage-backed securities in 2006 to 2009? How about the heyday of stated income aka ‘no doc’ loan? Scott England is driven like a wolf in the mountains to survive, he has raised himself out of the valley of death twice. This fascinating interview will keep you engaged to the tune of 60 mins. Scott’s grind and hustle to sustain his supportive family and to build a nice portfolio in two markets. Get ready to be inspired by a man's journey around the mountain. Do you have a story to share? I would like to hear it, go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
Two attorneys in a room, oh boy! These attorneys are pro-landlord, and you should be after you hear this live recording covering a multitude of subjects including Evictions, Notices, Abandonment and so much more. Do you have a legal question? Share it by going to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
“Do. Or do not. There is no try.” -Yoda or “Always pass on what you have learned.” -Yoda Great business leaders focus on the future. They build their experience, knowledge and wisdom into others (aka you Luke Skywalker). What knowledge can you share to become a leader in your industry? Download the quotes: https://goo.gl/XSVCt4 Star Wars inspires you so share it go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
1-My Activity 2-Duo 3-Goals in Calendar 4-Domains. Tech to share go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
1-The Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class Written by: Keith Cameron Smith 2-The Power of Broke: How Empty Pockets, a Tight Budget, and a Hunger for Success Can Become Your Greatest Competitive Advantage Written by: Daymond John 3-S.M.A.R.T. Goals Made Simple: 10 Steps to Master Your Personal and Career Goals Written by: S. J. Scott 4-How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships Written by: Leil Lowndes 5-Goal Setting Written by: Jim Rohn 6-The E-Myth Seminar: Taking Charge of Your Business and Your Life Written by: Michael E. Gerber 7-Lose Weight Now Written by: Allen Carr 8-Be Obsessed or Be Average Written by: Grant Cardone. What audiobooks have you listen to? Share it, help a brother out go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
This deal is smooth for the investor that needs the seller to sell his house before his payday happens. So this savvy investor buys their house so he can sell/profit on his deal. When he rehabs the sellers house he will profit off that deal too. You gotta love real estate investing! Share a deal by going to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
This deal is smooth for the investor that needs the seller to sell his house before his payday happens. So this savvy investor buys their house so he can sell/profit on his deal. When he rehabs the sellers house he will profit off that deal too. You gotta love real estate investing! Share a deal by going to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
1-Money 2-Read 3-Frugality 4-Leapfrog 5-Sandbox 6-Long Game 7-Reach. Share your experience by going to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
Hubstaff is a simple application that your virtual workforce installs on their machines to track time, activity levels, and take screenshots. Workers can select a project, and Hubstaff will then track time and activity to that specific project, which becomes viewable in the web application. I failed to mention they have GPS/Location tracker integrated as well, Boom! -Nerd Rock- Share some TECH go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
Listen to the [M3] Money Man Mayhue who has real estate in his blood from birth. From humble beginnings to being dubbed mortgage expert you will hear his knowledge and passion to help people buy homes/assets. FYI it’s super rare to meet a successful investor and a mortgage lender both fields are intense that take years of disciple to build. You have story so share go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
52 minutes of non-stop content to raise your borrowing IQ. Have you had some questions but felt you shouldn’t ask? Look no further I answer some questions real estate investors need to know about borrowing money from investor friendly banks! Do you need money? Tell me more go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
No money down on a new build from a motivated builder. Get motivated with this one! Have you done a no money down especially a new build? Tell me more go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
You have to be intentional if you want to succeed at anything. Have you heard of the Law of “Diminishing Intent”? How do you create a sense of urgency? Let’s break it down 1-Activate 2-Accelerate 3-Achieve 4-Assess. Life so share it go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!
Have you ever forgot to save a number that you wanted to text back? How professional would you be when you go off a call and a text message was sent to a that caller/prospect. https://www.livecomm.com/ brings marketing to the next level. -Nerd Rock- Share some TECH go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail now!