Run half marathon, Date night with wife once a month guaranteed, Date night once a month with kids aka daddy date night, boyz night. Be home at 4pm 90% of the time when in town. Increase Private Money, thus producing Audio CD. Acquire 20 units, 2 Short Term units, 1 Office building. Give double with ABC Book release on Kickstarter, Whiz Kids Double fundraiser table at banquet. Savvy Landlord on Audible, several new book releases Bank/Money Book, Lawsuits, Lawyers & Landlords, Savvy Secrets, Landlord Course, 120K Revenue, Radio Show 300 episodes & interview 50 people. Spiritual be consistent in my QT, don’t miss church either online or in person. What are your goals? Share them! Go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail!