It means the seller is not paying off the existing mortgage and the buyer is taking over the payments. Thomas Morgan breaks it down. Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
Let’s raise capital for your business. I break it down! Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
You are smart, motivated, take risks, mature, worldly, educated, personal development is on your radar, relational, own a business, something special. Be the .007% Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
What’s the best use of your time? Highest and best? Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
1-Side hustle-soap 2-Opportunity everywhere we aren't looking at 3-Market cycles everywhere 4-Storage units 5-Neighbor like minded. Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
Options: Who do you know? Banks? Portfolio? Money is the easiest, people make it the hardest because you don’t know how to ask. Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
1-Second set of eyes 2-follow your matrix 3-You need a standard 4-Parameters?-Cash flow -Structure? Frame? -Amenities What do I want? What type tenant do I want? 5-Scared? because don’t have plan / goal! 6-Write it out. Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
Why I did it, What happen, What I learned. GOALS to WORK on: Portfolio Cycle, Mastermind, Rehab quicker 30 days, instead of 60 days, Automate, Write Book, Be a Speaker, Passive 10K to 20K Month, Retire wife/ spouse, Improve neighborhood, Cash flow… instead of units, Bring family on the time, Time management. Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
It’s possible to have 12 units and jump up to 23 in a short amount of time! Let’s hear how you can apply some of JJ’s strategies. We chat about flips, wholesaling and a lot more. Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
This is a continuation of a great landlord lunch #553 hosted by the superstar Jon Wright who loves and bleeds crafting appraisals. Imagine you can ask any question during the analysis of live real deals in a round table setting with real investors. I even left the luncheon and bolted to a deal that we analyzed! Yes, a made an offer! Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
Nuggets flying everywhere on this podcast with a great friend breaking it down. Get ready for a new perspective! Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
Teach business skills of priorities the ABCs 1-What makes the company money. 2-Follow up on the things that make the company money 3-Paperwork Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
1-Short Game or Long Game 2-Relationship-Expectations 3-Mission & Recruit 4-A-Systems B-Sales & Marketing<love> C-Count That Money. Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
1. See Yourself as a Leader 2. Make A List 3. Become Confident With Your Choices 4. Develop From Your Mistakes 5. Be Easy On Yourself 6. Practice With Small Decisions 7. Learn To Trust Yourself 8. Focus On The Present 9. Become Familiar With The Unknown Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
Greg has bought, developed and sold over $200 million in real estate in the last 20 years. His master skill set of creativity used on building and renovating hundreds of custom homes and commercial buildings. Check him out Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
ANSI standards. Can a finished attic be included in the square footage? Difference between appraisals? What laws govern appraisers? What hoola-hoops do you have to go through to be an appraiser? Do all appraisers suck? Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
Cash is king and we all need a refresher in seeing it come back with a return. Get ready to smile! Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
What’s important to you when getting service. When hiring labor/contractor what do you look for? What does value mean to you? Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
When you're idealistic, you dream of perfection, whether in yourself or other people. For example, you might have the idealistic goal of bringing an end to childhood poverty in the world. The adjective idealistic describes someone whose plans or goals of helping others are lofty, grand, and possibly unrealistic. Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
Are you building a business or a job? The GOAL: Create a highly profitable business that works without you. The 4 Disciplines of Business by Martin Holland Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
I met Martin Holland over the phone through a friend that went to a seminar and here is a glimpse of motivation to grow your business. 1-Guidance 2-Customers 3-Production 4-Administration. Connect with Martin at Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
Cap Rate, Value Play, Waterfall Effect, Limited Partnership, General Partnership. Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
#546 LIVE book club on Atomic Habits. Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
How do you handle lease renewals? With Facebook and new brand - separate page or just my page? Any suggestions for making videos- to go over lease w tenant or with printed content on screen for teaching? How do you structure criteria for PM to screen/choose applicants? How do handle showings/ lease signings? Do you have questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
You are spending money hoping for a return? WTW What in the World (Hoping)! Shiny toys everywhere, falling from the sky. STAY FOCUSED! Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail