11. Do Not Leave an Uncomfortable Situation 12. Accept Rejection 13. Relinquish Perfectionism 14. Stop Labeling Yourself 15. Practice Social Skills 16. Practice Being in Uncomfortable Situations 17. The Three Questions 18. What is Comfortable for You? 19. Focus on the Moment 20. Seek and Record Your Successes. Share it go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail.
1. Understand Your Shyness 2. Turning Self Consciousness into Self Awareness 3. Find Your Strengths 4. Learn to Like Yourself 5. Not Conforming 6. Focus on Other People 7. Releasing Anxiety through Breath 8. Releasing Anxiety through Movement 9. Visualization 10. Affirmation. Share it go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail.
1-Audible Platinum Annual 2-Hoka One One Bondi 3-ARM & HAMMER Essentials Natural Deodorant 4-Cabeau Evolution Cool Travel Pillow 5-Gear Aid Z-Mask Sleep Shield Tactical Military Allows REM Sleep 6-Belt Fairwin Men's Military Tactical Web Belt, Nylon Canvas Webbing 7-Wireless Earbuds ENACFIRE E18. Do you have a subject matter you would like covered? Share it go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail. https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=202162280
Recorded live with investors learning the tricks of the trade of doing more with the proper tools of today aka TRELLO! Share it go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail.
Stories you watch on American Greed #americangreed do happen and this story will shortly air as well. Therin Miller with multi-million dollar aspirations in the business of buy here, pay here car dealership turns into a Federal(FBI) case. The Russian mob does exist and scams happen everyday to hardworking people. Listen and learn how cool Therin goes undercover to protect himself and other investors.
1-Why 2-How 3-Marketing 4-Understanding/What’s happening 5-Laws and then my take and a property I am dealing with Part 01. GO BACK and listen to episode #030. Do you have a subject matter you would like covered? Share it go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail.
I ask the hard questions about the being a support, on the same page, and life as a wife! Share it go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail.
11 minutes of how I handling dramatics tenant requests. Fall is over! Learn how to save on a bid of 2K for air duct replacement. Share it go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail.
Do you have a subject matter you would like covered? Share it go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail.
This interview is a primer for several interviews to come. Mr. Miller has overcome unbelievable obstacles one included a scam performed by the Russian mob. But first, let’s get a feel for a real entrepreneur that lost it all and came roaring back to start a business on bootstrap totaling $100 bucks. Be ready more to come! Do you have a subject matter you would like covered? Share it go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail.
1-Bath 2-Reach Out 3-Dark Chocolate 4-Music 5-Laugh / Movie 6-Do Good Deeds / Serve 7-Pet 8-Water 9-Outside / Walk 10-Exercise 11-Eat Healthy 12-Sex 13-Meditate 14-Rest / Nap / Sleep 15-Vacation. Do you have a subject matter you would like covered? Share it go to this link ask.savvylandlord.me or go to www.savvyradioshow.com and leave a voicemail.