Are you over-extended, over-distracted, and overwhelmed? Do you work at a breakneck pace all day, only to find that you haven’t accomplished the most important things on your agenda when you leave the office? Get ready for powerful 90 minutes of questions, thoughts, actions steps to free yourself! Do you have a subject matter you would like covered? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
Investor/Landlord Lunch live on the most random questions. Do you have a subject matter you would like covered? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
Investor/Landlord Lunch live on the most random questions. Do you have a subject matter you would like covered? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
Jeffrey Holst is back to break it down! Do you have a subject matter you would like covered? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
Since 1996 Nachatilo has been buying property to over 100+ units and manages 300+ on top of that! When you find someone committed to your their professional you want to hold on to them! Check it out: Do you have a subject matter you would like covered? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
A wild ride of life with many accolades including being an Attorney and having an MBA then the unthinkable, a rare form of Leukemia can’t stop success. Jeffrey had to dig deep started from scratch and to use his creative mind after bankruptcy. Jeffrey quickly raised million+ of private money and fell in love with creative deal structures(finance) and today he is leading the way with syndication. It’s time for reflection! Do you have a subject matter you would like covered? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
What's my why? What's my risk? What's my return? What's the end result? What does it look like? My level of commitment? How much time do I have to give? How much is my time worth? Is this a quick buck? Is this passive income for the rest of my life? Is this fun? Will this be fun? Is this a job? When do I see the money? When do I get paid? Will this get me to my dream? Will this help me with my goals? What does it look like in 5 years? Am I happy with the people I work with? Do I know the people I work with? The people I work with would they give me $500 if I asked them? What are you trying to do? Scale? What's the benefit? What’s your purpose? Do you have a subject matter you would like covered? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
We have so much to offer but we are held back by our limiting beliefs. Turn it up and listen to our hearts! Do you have a subject matter you would like covered? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
1-Get connected 2-Make every day meaningful 3-Learn from experience 4-Remain hopeful 5-Take care of yourself 6-Be proactive 7-Professional advice. Do you have a subject matter you would like covered? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.