You will be inspired to be healthy, wealthy and wise. Mr Brill is killing it at such a young age with is the level of discipline and vision of the future. Take notes! Do you have any ideas? Can you contribute go to and leave a voicemail.
Basic rules for having it all. 1-Determine what matters to you. 2-Define success in all facets of your life. 3-Find ways to enjoy the journey as much as the destination. 4-Take responsibility for your life. 5-Accept that everything happens for a good reason. “The future you see defines the person you’ll become.” -Richard E. Geno. Do you have any ideas? Can you contribute go to and leave a voicemail
Do you have any ideas? Can you contribute go to and leave a voicemail.
1-Do it later(app) 2-Lightshot aka 3-MightyText 4-Textra. Do you have any questions? Go to and leave a voicemail.
"Subject-To" is a way of purchasing real estate where the real estate investor takes title to the property but the existing loan stays in the name of the seller. In other words, "Subject-To" the existing financing. The investor now controls the property and makes the mortgage payments on the seller's existing mortgage. Properties can be purchased using this method with little cash and no credit. "Subject-To" is a creative real estate financing technique that all serious investors should know and understand. Do you have any questions? Share it go to and leave a voicemail.
Gritts is closing in on 30 units! Wow is all I can say. Listen to episodes #561, #552, #513 and his introduction show #508. Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
I go over a deal I just closed at 34,000 sq foot retail space. How I found it? How I funded it? Why this deal? Offer? Counter? Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
1-Aggressive dog breeds 2-Called a landlord 3-100 deals before 4-PMI 5-Homestead 6-Hobby 7-Vocabulary 8-Goals for real. Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
1-Referral 2-REIA 3-Research 4-Know What YOU Want 5-Terminology 6-Meeting 7-Start Small 8-Goals 9-Vetting 10-FP 11-Application 12-Order Appraisal 13-Follow Up 14-Terms / Fees 15-Close 16-Repeat. Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
This young investor impressed me by being at the table meaning in Ohio. Will is extremely calculated and smart and puts himself in positions to succeed. We talk about giving and the effects aka rewards. You will enjoy Will’s perspective on life and his future of flipping and holding assets. Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
1-Grand entrance 2-Driveway 3-Squatters 4-Exterior 5-Photos 6-Windows 7-Roof 8-Condenser 9-Interior Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
You will marvel at how a man of eight siblings can reach financial freedom in a short amount of time. Scooter has a passion to grow and reach for the stars by doing so has helped others do the same! Only at 35 years of age this entrepreneur has strategic partnerships in the areas of property management, event production and contracting. Oh yea, he has dabbled in vacation rentals and controls over 400 units. Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
1-Belief system 2-More to life 3-Strong together / leverage each other 4-Forgiven 5-Marathon Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
1-Put it on paper 2-It’s ok to change lanes 3-Ask for help 4-write out your concerns 5-Smashed 6-Leverage 7-Expectations. Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
1-Business cards 2-$99 Network 3-Excuses 4-Property Manager Software 5-Gift right 6-Metal business cards 7-Human value 8-Give or hustle 9-Whos poop is it? 10-Rent Control - Eviction illegal. Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail.
1-Lead 2-Profile the seller 3-Visit the property 4-Back to the office 5-Draft an offer 6-Follow up. Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
1-Release 2-Tile 3-Market Cycles 4-Closing Statement 5-Commercial 6-Insurance 7-Mentor 8-Utilities 9-Private Money 10-Banker 11-Lawyers 12-Pre-Lease 13-Oh Realtors 14-Escrow Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
I drop eleven nuggets to feed our curiosity of real estate investing. Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
1-Dreams are born or borrowed 2-Require encouragement 3-No approval 4-Start in your heart today 5-You have what it takes 6-True hunger for attainment 7-Magnificent obsession 8-Energizing your daily routine 9-Immediate attention 10-Total focus 11-Geographical change 12-Assistance of others 13-Extraordinary negotiations with others 14-Build daily agenda 15-Nurture and protect. Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
Get ready to be in a vortex of random thoughts and ideas to free you of society's perception of security. I break down how I handle my money with my wife and the vision of the future. Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
Chad got a taste of investing from his parents and earned his stake in life by helping them through a housing recession. Chad put on the handyman apron with his passion for learning raised money to pursue his dreams. Now over 50+ units he is poised and on a new mission to teach people about their vision and how to achieve it. Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
Do you have to budget to get more business? Successful business owners do! 1-Helicopter 2-Books 3-Gimbal 4-Watch 5-RC Car 6-Cheescake 7-Plant. Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
What does it mean to “grow your business”? Is it the same thing as increasing profits, the bottom line? Or does it mean increasing sales, the top line? This content is from Susan Solovic a rockstar speaker & author. Do you have any questions? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail