This is interview is one of the best interviews to date. Why you ask? Torry Elston basically fell into real estate investing by accident. Torry is killing it with almost 500,000 net worth doing it part-time within 5 years and drum roll please, all with no money down. Can I get a hooray! Share your story go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail now!
Persistence pass off! Have you had your eye on a property through the MLS and couldn’t wait for it to expire so you can pounce on it? Torry did! Torry Elston is doing it part time and is crushing it! Deal to share go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail now!
1-You are an expert, What is it? 2-You can do anything! 3-Cut the bookkeeper 4-Form 1098 5-Outside the box 6-Power of choice 7-Traction(book) 8-Push with accountability 9-Serve 10-You need to go! Share go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail now!
Realty Juggler is an easy-to-use CRM organizer just for Real Estate professionals. Oh the things you can do with technology especially with You can track prospects, import leads, make flyers, create goals, have drip campaigns for marketing and ton more. Tech to share go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail now!
Growth is strange in many ways when you look back review. Are you smarter, wiser, and healthier than you were a year ago? Listen in on a young entrepreneur who creates is ‘life by design’. What has life been for you as a real estate hustler? Tell me more go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail!
Don’t be afraid to get PAID! Covered in this live recording- Late Fee, Pet Fee / Pet Rent, Lease Buy Out - Lease Options, Appliances, No Show Fee, Violation Fee, Post Notice, Month to Month, Six Month Adjustment, NSF, New Doc Fee, Coin-Op, Storage, Utility Cut-Off Fee / Processing, Weekly / Bi-Weekly Payment, Original Fee Initiation, Lease Renewal, Convenience Fee $1+, Upgrades Painted Wall - Screen Door - Fan - Dishwasher, Emergency Network Fee $3-$25 and a whole lot more! Get involved and share ways to make money. Go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail!
How would you feel if you made 15K two 4 plexes and then the buyer flips it and makes 95K, ouch! No worries deals fall from the sky all day, are you trained to grab them? Do you have a deal to share? Go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail!
Success is consistent. Don’t let your mind play tricks on you. I cover 10 reasons you might be a rookie. 1-Money 2-LLC 3-Realtors 4-Goals 5-Hobbyist 6-Millionaire 7-ROI 8-Lock It Up 9-Banks 10-Financials. Are you rookie? Tell me more go to this link or go to and leave a voicemail
It is much easier than you think to make a difference. Give Back Box® provides services to retailers and charities, allowing each and every cardboard box a second life to help people in need. So it is also a 'green' solution! Reuse your online shipping boxes in which you received your purchases, or any other cardboard box you may have, to donate your unwanted household items: such as gently used clothing, shoes etc., to make a major difference in the life of another person. Share life go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail
1-IT 2-Balloons 3-Street Performer 4-Embroidery 5-Ice Cream Cart 6-Hot Shot Driver 7-Operate a U-Haul business 8-Storage 9-Farmer. Check out episodes #127, #132, #141, #146, #150, #216, #232, #241. Need help making money?! Go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail
20 points about money to get your juices flowin’ and keep your hustle goin’ for 2017. This is based on the chief side hustler himself Nick Loper for inspiring me for this episode. 1-Track Money 2-Goals 3-What You Make 4-What You Spend 5-Monthly Profit (NET NET NET) 6-Emergency Fund 7-Savings 8-Deploy Idle Cash 9- Refinance 10- Max Out Your 401(k) 11-Sell Something 12-Set Up Auto-Payments 13-Inventory 14-Get with a legit CPA 15-Evaluate 16-Re-examine Subscriptions 17-Reward 18-Set Monthly and Quarterly Financial Check Ups 19-Give ck 20-Upgrade Yourself! What did I leave out?? Share it now! Go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail!
1-Blank Contract A-Basic B-Subject Contract 2-Option Agreement 3-Assignment Contract 4-D.I.S.C 5-Scripts 6-Rental Application 7-Seller Lead Sheet 8-Cost to Sell Form 9-Unit condition form Move- In / Move- out 10-Repairs estimate sheet 11-Real Estate Agent Lead Sheet 12-Authorization release form 13-POA 14-Private Money Credibility Kit 15-Referral form 16-Affidavit 17-Deposit To Hold 18-Termination of Purchase. What did I leave out?? Share it now! Go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail!
Mentors come in all shapes and sizes. Joe may sound country but millions of dollars of assets he owns will provide years of surplus income for his grandkids, kids. Country or urban money is still green and flows through the right hands that can handle it, manage it and grow it. Connect with Joe and grow and extract the passion and knowledge of 40+ years in real estate can do. Do you have story to share? I would love to hear it? Go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail!
Check out these two websites to empower you! & Both sites boast millions of reviews. Costs nothing to get the phone to ring and people bidding your job. Be a finisher and hire the right contractor for the right job. Don’t hire unskilled labor to do skilled work. Hire skilled labor to do skilled work. Tech to share?, do it now and go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail!
I cover some of my failed adventures and give you my thoughts on 1-Emotional pricing 2-Living beyond means 3-Taxes 4-Planning 5-Financing 6-Record keeping 7-Too fast 8-Borrowing practices 9-Marketing 10-Why. Do you have business experience to share? Go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail.
Automation to run your business with websites / apps / tech tools. I mention 50+ websites to crush 2017. Tech to share?, do it now and go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail!
How does locking it up for 21K and having it sold for 55K before closing sound? Amazing! Right? Well after listening to this deal you may change your mind. Get ready for a tipsy turvy deal with all things gangster including clouded title, lease purchase from a slumlord, IRS lien, delayed closing, canceling contract an hour before closing and my favorite trying to renegotiate terms unannounced to an audience with no decision making authority aka title company. This episode is worth your time! Do you have deal to share? Go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail.
Scott McLain from Red Dirt Lending, LLC, a private lending company breaks it down. Topics discussed are Lease Options the new white gold, Starting over to gain millions, 6+ Million line of credit, Rates, The Process, Defaults and a whirlwind of nuggets. Don’t miss the next Investor Breakfast go to Savvy Investors is bringing together the leaders in the Southwest region. Our social events are an informal network of real estate investors! Question to ask? Go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail.
Problem solved check out They will do it for you for $1.99 a filing and leave the stress to them. Super simple 1-Set up account (You are Payer aka PLAYER) 2-Contractors 3-Review 4-Schedule e-file and e-delivery. Do you have tech to share? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail.
1-3 months inspection on new tenant 2-Handyman show property 3-Payday Rent Program 4-Point System 5-Don't be frugal landlord 6-Mistake: I didn't get people friends numbers 7-I need to know more about HSA and 401k self directed 8-Keep going! 9-Don't buy condo 10-What are you chasing after? 11-You can make an impact 12-All ages like podcasts 13-Mystery Man 14-001 Dial Out 15-Peso 16-Accountability 17-Mobile Passport app I hope you stay motivated from this, if so share it by going to this link or go to and leave a voice mail!
1-10x on learning 2-Go big & do it 3-$155 excursion could change your life 4-Right friends 5-PV is family safe 6-Buy a condo, why not 7-Reflecting QT 8-Don't be lazy out of town 9-Bring goals 10-Work from anywhere. I hope you stay motivated from this, if so share it by going to this link or go to and leave a voice mail!
Software to run your business? Prequalify. Screening tenants? Software/Service?! Handling Maintenance? Work Orders? Renter’s Insurance. Setting proper rent amount! Maximum or Less? Last minute inquiries “I have cash”. Move-in specials. Eviction / Court. Move-In / Move-Out. Pets Deposit? Or Fee? Extra? Adding a pet shower? The lease / Addendums. Getting the rent paid on time. Recording devices. What’s your thoughts on Landlording tell me go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail!
Check out when you can’t think of anything to make and you need inspiration from the food you have in the frig. Also consider (drop the E). Do you have tech to share? Share it go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail.
Growing your portfolio can be a as quick as keystroke when bidding on an auction website. But how do you deal with an investor at a networth of over 20 million and you want to gobble up the crumbs when he is facing in foreclosure. I have alway known you should 1-Buy right 2-raise money now I break 3-How to sell. Share what you have learned lately by going to this link or go to and leave a voice mail.
Tips to increase your knowledge in getting ready or serious about your investing career with (TA) Tax Advantages. Grab a writing instrument to take notes, I am dishing out over 10 tips you should implement right now. Do you have tax strageties to share please go to this link or go to and leave a voice mail.