Nov 30, 2016
Would it be helpful if you received a text message when your contractor enters your property? Would you have peace of mind knowing that the electricity at a property was cut? Check out a portable(mobile) wirless security systems that connects to a central monitoring center(cellular) you can control...
Nov 29, 2016
Learn from superstar banker Evan Rink from First United Bank. This episode focuses on Appraisals: Why do banks use them? Different types of appraisals: Limited Scope, Residential, Commercial. Different values: as is, as complete, as stabilized. Different approaches to value: Sales, Cost, Income. What is NOI? What is a...
Nov 28, 2016
Listen in on a casual conversation between two investors in pickup truck. Thomas Morgan and I drop some fundamentals you should consider when being creative in buying assets. What’s your method when buying income producing assets go to this link or go to and leave a voice...
Nov 25, 2016
I gotta hate call for a bandit sign which I deflected the guy and turned into a friendly conversation. Listen and learn to this live call in how I handled a frustrated Realtor over my nicely placed sign on his property listing. Tell me about a hate call you recieved and go to this link or go to
Nov 24, 2016
I have the right systems in place but I didn't turn them on. Learn from my pain so you can grow much faster than myself! I rant about CallRail, bandit sign stakes, and enlisting help! Push yourself and do things you don’t want to do. Tell me what has motivated you go to this link or go to