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Savvy Radio Show

Oct 30, 2019

1-Release 2-Tile 3-Market Cycles 4-Closing Statement 5-Commercial 6-Insurance 7-Mentor 8-Utilities 9-Private Money 10-Banker 11-Lawyers 12-Pre-Lease 13-Oh Realtors 14-Escrow Do you have any questions?  Share it go to this link or go to and leave a...

Oct 24, 2019

I drop eleven nuggets to feed our curiosity of real estate investing. Do you have any questions?  Share it go to this link or go to and leave a...

Oct 9, 2019

1-Dreams are born or borrowed 2-Require encouragement 3-No approval 4-Start in your heart today 5-You have what it takes 6-True hunger for attainment 7-Magnificent obsession 8-Energizing your daily routine 9-Immediate attention 10-Total focus 11-Geographical change 12-Assistance of others 13-Extraordinary negotiations...

Oct 4, 2019

Get ready to be in a vortex of random thoughts and ideas to free you of society's perception of security. I break down how I handle my money with my wife and the vision of the future. Do you have any questions?  Share it go to this link or go to and leave a...

Oct 2, 2019

Chad got a taste of investing from his parents and earned his stake in life by helping them through a housing recession. Chad put on the handyman apron with his passion for learning raised money to pursue his dreams. Now over 50+ units he is poised and on a new mission to teach people about their vision and how to...